Monday 7 May 2012

Oh May!

How can it be that May is here already?
I am not sorry to see the back of April. It has been a difficult month for me and I am hoping that May will bring with it a fresh start and a better perspective on my life.
These last few weeks have been particularly difficult, filled with sadness, longing, regret, worry and disappointment. I am ready to move on, I am ready to start again, I am ready to look at things with more hope and joy.

I took this photo on Instagram whilst I went on a quick stroll this chilly autumn evening. I spotted these trees which still had a few orange-red leaves scattered on them, but were covered in new white buds, ready to go when spring arrives. The photo is not excellent, but it was a timely reminder that new life follows old, that spring always follows winter and that when something ends, something new will be sure to begin.
Here's hoping anyway!

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